
There was Hellmann’s and Skippy and Savarin, Wheaties and Wonder.  So many brands that I was raised on.  Today I use two of these four and don’t think I would consider else wise.  I don’t brew coffee like my father did, so no Savirin.  I don’t eat much white bread, so no Wonder.

There were non-consumables too like Castro Convertibles opened by the little Castro girl.  So many things that shaped our consumption habits.

Most of the advertising I was exposed to was on television and most of that on Saturday morning and after homework was done during the week.

I don’t remember what Hoppy pushed or Sky King, Superman, Cisco, or even The Mickey Mouse Club.  Most of the commercials, too are long gone from my memory.  I have a friend who can still sing the Buster Brown jingle.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Streaming today, using services like freevee, that has commercials, is just repetitive junk mail delivered on the screen.

The brands I recall from the neighborhood were shoes.  Bostonian on the northwest corner of 83rd and Broadway and Florsheim on the southwest corner.  Woolworths on the northeast corner of 79th and Broadway wasn’t a brand but it sure was a presence.

There was also Horn and Hardart known to me for its nickel slots in the automat rather than its famous coffee.  Schrafft’s, famous for its ice cream was a ubiquitous restaurant chain as well as present locally on Broadway near 82nd.

Rexall drug stores seemed to be everywhere.  I don’t remember the name of the big drug store on the west side of Broadway near 81st Street, Beck Drug maybe?  I just recall that it had everything.

There were other chains as well but not as everywhere as the burger places I’ve learned to ignore.

What do you remember about shopping between 79th and 86th on Broadway?