Levy Brothers

This is not about some of my prouder moments, when I look back at them. I am quite sure that there are a multitude of developmental explanations and/or some significant emotional problems coming to the surface but these thoughts are stories of growing up on the West Side.

Across the street from 222, on the west side of broadway just north of 83rd street sat Levy Brothers. An all purpose stationery, gadget and toy store this place was an important stopping point for children, adolescents and adults in the neighborhood. School supplies — check, paperback books — check, greeting cards — check, art supplies — check, spaldines and other sporting goods — check, so much more and a staff that never seemed to change — check..

I grew up in that store. There was always a reason for entering the well lit space with a reasonably sized aisle from the front and cramped spaces around to the right. Immediately inside the door to the left was a cash register and cashier in a small open booth like structure. A counter on the left held things like fancy lighters and nice pens. A countertop was next for sales where besides paying you could have items bagged or wrapped.

Beyond that counter were glass cases on the left and open shelves to the right but further back, most important when I worked there, up a couple of steps, were the toys and games; even bikes, basketballs and blow up Bozo punching bags.

I remember a Christmas season, I was 17 or so, and I worked in this area in the back. Staff said later it was one of the best holiday seasons they ever had. It was, in part me. Back then I bragged it was all me. Why? When parents came in to buy toy guns I redirected them to educational toys which were considerably more expensive. Why? I was never allowed toy guns – my father forbid them – and I had begun to develop a conscience. I had a whole speech for these parents and clearly, I was convincing.

One of the other staples that Levy’s sold was roll caps. I couldn’t have the gun but caps were cool. Red rolls with little bumps of something that exploded, popped really, and smelled great when they were put in a toy gun, popped with a pencil or stomped on the sidewalk.


In my early years maybe up to 12, Levy Brothers was also the place I shoplifted. Anything out in the open was fair game. Small stuff mostly. Of course among the things I lifted were small cap pistols. Once, I lifted what they called a fruit knife. A long skinny knife with a six inch blade, I liked it. Carrying it would make me tough. I got caught of course but I was not stopped in the shop. When I got home I got some lecture. What I remember about it most was “What if you got into an argument and pulled out your knife and the other guy pulled his? And he knew how to use it?” Thanks Dad.


17 thoughts on “Levy Brothers

  1. Great memories, Ken. As you know, we lived right around the corner, so I couldn’t go anywhere without passing Levy’s. Got a lot of Duncan yo-yos there. And as you mentioned, Spaldeens. My brother Mike and I didn’t shoplift, but we would play with board games for awhile and then return them to Levy’s–no matter where they were purchased. Kids today are really missing out. What will they reminisce about, texting and selfies?


  2. My pal and I, with whom I am still in touch, stole all the James Bond novels from Levy Bro’s revolving bookrack in the front of the store, in order of publication!


  3. I lived on Columbus Avenue but went to school at the original PS 9 around the corner on 82nd Street. I got my first baseball bat and glove there. That neighbourhood has changed too much. I live in Brooklyn now


  4. I lived on 95th St, between Central Park and Columbus, so going to Levy Bros was a walk crosstown and down Broadway, an exciting adventure. When I got there I was rewarded with the beautiful display of pens. I loved those Parker Pens. And the toys in the back were always fun. Thanks for posting your memories.


  5. I worked as gofer, delivery, stock, then sales clerk at Levy’s from junior high (McBurney) through Stuy High, and a return tour of duty during CCNY. Dominic, the most outfront of the brother/partners, had a manner of treating us “book learned” students as incapable of basic math, or common sense, or (what we’d call now) operational planning in make a delivery route. Thanks to Dom, I can still add columns in my head; hold maps in memory (invaluable in San Antonio); not sure about the common sense but some forty years later, “The Dude Abides.”


  6. I use to buy Auora model, tops, fountian pens…don’t sit on the pens. Ask my brother John, who did & turned His butt blue. They also had the Chuck Conner,s,Rifle from the Rifleman show, with the hoop reload lever.John and I wanted one! Thanks for the great memories

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  7. I lived in 83rd and West End Ave. Levy Bro’s.,(next to Rappaports) was so much fun to go in to. Saw my first glimpse of a 64 count Crayola crayon box, with sharpener but had to settle for a smaller box:-(

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